
To address the growing complexity of the market and the increasing attention towards responsible management of worker protection and environmental issues, our Management has decided to implement a unified strategy aimed at defining and implementing an effective and efficient structure for managing these aspects in work and environmental settings.

The growing awareness of the importance of proactive management of occupational health and safety risks, as well as those related to environmental compliance, coupled with the increasingly stringent enforcement of relevant regulations by istitutional bodies, has led our organization to consistenly invest in this area to ensure adequate working conditions for our staff.

Furthermore, recognizing that the effectiveness of the management implemented by our company relies not only on the collaboration of its members but also on that of the various stakeholders it interacts with, our organization considers it a priority to engage in active communication with its diverse counterparts. In particular, starting from the understanding that strong synergy arises from the sharing of guiding principles or sources of inspiration in operations, the Management deems it essential to disseminate its principles with a view to continuous improvement.

Moreover, this serves as an invitation to our clients and partners to maintain ongoing communication regarding any issues they may encounter during their collaboration with us, to enable us to gain the highest possible awareness of our strengths and waknesses, and proceed with continuous improvement of our business management.